A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“America, you have committed fraud! You forged My Name to pay your bills. You lied, cheated, and defrauded Me by masquerading in My Name! You’ve stolen My Identity to justify your wars. You used Me to gain your wealth and prestige among the nations, but you’ve been found out, exposed for the thief that you really are! The nations to whom you owe will soon be calling for their portion and you will pay with interest!
If a man robs Me, would I know it? If a nation robs Me, I surely would know it, and pursue what is Mine with usury!
My Church the spirit of the Nicolaitans is in your house! They’ve crept in to pervert and corrupt what is TRUE! You must thoroughly sweep your house, and rid yourself of this leaven! The time has come to declare HOLINESS UNTO THE LORD!”
To watch or listen to this message got to www.ignitedchurchlife.com or You Tube
My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no…
My book “Papa’s Garden” has been released! Check it out at
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Thank you for visiting Ignited Church – Lavonia Georgia. On behalf of Pastors Benjamin & Jennifer Faircloth, we pray you receive an on-fire on-time Word from Heaven.
Sunday – 10:30 am
Wednesday – 7:00 pm
- 580 East Main Street Lavonia, GA 30553
- P O Box 303 Lavonia GA 30553
- 1-706-356-4497
- pastor@ignitedchurchlife.com