Critical Mass!

“Critical Mass!”

Prophetic Message


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“The veil that has hidden the sin of this nation has been lifted, her nakedness has been exposed! In My balances of Righteousness, she has been weighed and she has been found wanting. Yet she refuses to admit her need of a Savior. Blinded by her lusts, she longs for more!

There has been no repentance seen from Heaven, yet My church walks in pride as though she is in a parade; see – look what we’ve done! We’ve changed the White House, while she tends to My House, treating it like a whore house! Full of idolatry and sin, she attempts to blend in to the world! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, the shaking will come and many will find Me when it is done! Laugh and scoff at these warning; but soon the sound of mourning will be heard!”

(Scripture references: Romans 8)

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