Who’s Next?!

“Who’s Next?!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“To My Church, My Beloved Bride, why do you stand gazing up at the sky looking for the next event to fall- when your assignment is right before you on earth? I’ve called you to be salt and light, – life to those who are dead in their sins. Yet many of My People walk past those in need looking for the next shoe to drop! Hoping to be the first to report the obvious!
It has been written, but few live out what is written. They choose a narrative that sells and tingles the ears of the hearers. They are spell bound by the suspense of what is to come rather than reaping My Final Harvest!
Church, repent of these dead works. Learn of Nehemiah who watched and worked, for you adversary surely is at work, but your Advocate has already won the victory! Choose this day to either live in the suspense of what is to come, or abide in Me and be empowered for the Final Harvest!
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