A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“America, you are unprepared for the coming events that are going to rock the world! The shaking that is coming to the nations has only begun. These tremors you are facing are only the birth pangs that the whole earth will experience! The mighty have fallen, and many are in the valley of decision! Man is unprepared for the unleashing of hell that is soon to cover the earth. Man will blame everyone except himself, for the misery that will come up on him. I AM coming says your God, to cleanse My Church, reap My Harvest, and rid the earth of the unrighteous!
I have warned, pleaded, and sent My Prophets, but the earth is still deaf, and refuses to heed My Warnings! Soon I will shake the complacency out of man, even still, many will refuse to acknowledge and obey Me- for many are unprepared!
Church, sweep your floors, rid your hearts of the leaven f the world, and brace yourself for the Days of Sorrows that will come upon the entire earth!”
To watch or listen to this message got to www.ignitedchurchlife.com or You Tube
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Thank you for visiting Ignited Church – Lavonia Georgia. On behalf of Pastors Benjamin & Jennifer Faircloth, we pray you receive an on-fire on-time Word from Heaven.
Sunday – 10:30 am
Wednesday – 7:00 pm
- 580 East Main Street Lavonia, GA 30553
- P O Box 303 Lavonia GA 30553
- 1-706-356-4497
- pastor@ignitedchurchlife.com