The Zombies Are Coming!

“The Zombies Are Coming!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“America, because you have rejected Truth, deception is now your daily bread. Death is the new normal to a nation once overflowing with life. Death is the climate of your culture, politics, and way of life!

You deny it but it’s everywhere. What you say is good and right, I say is evil and wicked. What you see as pure and wholesome, I see as putrid and perverse!

America we are at an impasse, the bridge is out, yet you still march forward to cross a divide that you can’t make!

The hour is late, darkness has settled in and the reality of your destiny here.

Choose this day to be free of the weights of the world choose life, choose Me and you will see the salvation of your God!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Luke 12) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube

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