The Yellow Brick Road!

“The Yellow Brick Road!”

A prophetic message by

Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


Fantasy is fiction and reality is fact. America is on a road that she can’t turn back. For this is the hour of her demise. All the nations that support her will despise. For her hour of reckoning has come. This nation shall be undone. Hope deferred makes the heart sick and trust in a man is fool’s gold. What appears to have value is a shallow grave. For many that will be their way. Laughter and glee ring within your streets but soon the voices of celebration will be silenced by grief! A noise and a sound of tumult is coming from Washington DC. It will be the sound of utter defeat. The Democracy dream will be shattered with the reality that not all is as it seems. Find your place in me now! For soon many will not be found, lost by the sea of turmoil and revolt in a sea of make believe dreams.

(Jeremiah 28 is the foundational scripture for this message)

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Ignited Church