The Uncivil States of America!

“The Uncivil States of America!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you are a powder keg that is about to blow! The fuse has been lite and there is no one who can stop the explosion! Hatred and strife, worry and fear- have replaced the peace and calm of a once secure nation. Your enemies lurk beneath your oceans and they’ve measured your shorelines. They are fully aware of your weaknesses, for I have shown them!

The enemy is at the gate and the enemy lies within, but deception had blinded you to this reality! Civil unrest is the precursor to invasion and your fruit will spoil on the vine as you give your substance and inheritance unto another. America, the experiment has failed because you left ME out of the equation! What is coming, you surely will deserve!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Jeremiah 13) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube

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