“The Polluted Church!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“America, My Prophets have polluted your waters and they have polluted your bread! They allowed you to wander away from Me. No conviction in their messages has led to no repentance in your hearts- therefore corruption has entered in! My judgments will be justified upon you oh House of Filth and Abomination, but it will begin with My prophets- these who know better yet refuse to tell the Truth! Those who walk among you in sheep’s clothing but like a wolf they search for prey. Seeking anyone who will listen to their peps and chatter (Isaiah 8:19) -voices of dead men’s bones, speaking vanities and lies! Chasing what can never be caught and teaching fables that are of naught! Oh children, number and mark them among you who are spotted among you, as Jude declares, they are sitting among you at the table of your Love Feasts! Beware My Church of the leaven of those who lead you away from My Truth! Guard your heart and let My Word guide you in these darkened days!”
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