The Lunatic Fringe

“The Lunatic Fringe”
A Prophetic Message
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America you have lost your mind! Your soul is vexed because it has been sold to the devil! Confusion and deception is the atmosphere you live in. You thrive in confusion, for there you walk in every evil work! Come out of darkness and be free, but you can’t! Be healed and be clean, but you won’t!
Misery loves company and the twain shall never part. Your bewitched into believing a lie, fooled by the lies of those who lead you!
It is later than you think, it is darker than you know, and My Church sleeps in the midst of the battle!
Awaken to the sound of the Trumpets blast, arise and be the physician and cure to a sick nation. Arise and take dominion over the devil, for I have anointed you to set the captives free!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Matthew 17) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube
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