“The Haunted House!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“To My Church, why are you so fearful? Why are you wearied? Why do you worry? Do you not know I have overcome the world and that faith abides in you?
You listen to your false prophets and your audience and attention to their words, gives them credence. You justify your inquires, but they are the same as visiting a witch- looking to fortune tellers who are blind! Come out from among those who chase fables and fantasies. Come back to My Word- My Wisdom- My Presence and I will give you The Peace that no man- no event- no demon- can steal from you! But you must come clean and repent of your gossip -your slander, and your accusing of the brethren. If you don’t, you will be judged in the same manner in which you judged your brother! Church, I am speaking clearly now- come clean with Me!”
To watch or listen to this message got to www.ignitedchurchlife.com or You Tube
My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no…
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