The Coming Apocalypse!

“The Coming Apocalypse!”

 A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“I Am the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End! What I have said will come to pass. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that I AM Lord of all!

 My Bride acts a though I delay My return, she refuses to make herself ready, she refuses to walk with Me in Holiness; but I tell you this day Her purification is coming, her cleansing will arrive. For soon I will open My Seals and soon I will reveal My Wrath and who will stand in the days of My Judgements? He who hath clean hands and clean hearts!

  Those who have made themselves free from the bondages of the world and those who cling to Me no matter the times that are at hand.

 My Sheep know My Voice and My Bride knows her husband and to you I say; I come quickly and with Me is My Reward! Do not be soon shaken, for I have overcome the world!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Revelation 4) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube

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