The Church of Sodom!

“The Church of Sodom!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“Wow to those who call good evil and evil good- Who pollute the minds of the innocent! Who fornicate with demons and lie with seducing spirits! Your doctrines of devil’s is being spewed across this nation. It is being written in the minds of My People, yet I find very few standing against this flood with Truth. My Church is drowning in deception -she refuses My help- she rejects My pleas to come out of Babylon! Judgment is the only course to bring her to reality. Wale up Shepherds! Wake up Sheep! Can you not hear the trembling sounds of judgement? Can you not see the writing on the wall? Your time is short -your options are few. Comply with the agenda of the Fallen One and die, or refuse to fall for his deception and live. Choose this day!”

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