On the Edge of Eternity!

“On the Edge of Eternity!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you are on the edge of eternity! You have no idea of how far the day is spent. You’ve wasted precious time on pursuing the lusts of the flesh. More has never been enough! Your god of self-indulgence has left you barren of the True Fruit- fruits of Righteousness, Holiness, and My Power. Barren, naked, and broken, these are the words that describe you. Your leaders, pastors, and prophets are showmen who give speeches for profit, but they are empty vessels- vines of hemlock with no fruit! Poisonous “Asps”! They speak with venom poisoning My People, diluting My Truth and confusing the mases! Wake up America! You are on the edge of eternity and time is shorter than you think!
To ALL I say, awaken out of your slumber and embrace My Word, for in it you will find life eternal!”
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