November Explosions!

“November Explosions!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


I feel impressed in my spirit to release a word that I received from the Father 3 months ago. During August I was preparing for a November return trip to Cuba. My plans were being laid out when I heard the Father speak to my heart that I was to stay home, because explosions are coming! I immediately knew He was speaking of an event(s) taking place here in America in the month of November, though He did not give me clarity or details. I have a great love for Cuba and would jump on a plane with only hours’ notice but I know the Father’s voice and I would much rather obey Him. I canceled my plans that day and notified the team that we could not go.

It is October 31, 2017 and as I write this warning to you, I feel impressed that I need to admonish you to be wide awake this month (into the New Year). I do not mean to sound vague, but there is coming an explosion(s) of some sort that is going to rock this nation. As I always say pick your poison. As to what the explosion(s) will be; Economy (the peg falling)? War? Terrorism? Civil unrest? Civil War? Impeachment? More political

indictments? EMP? Earthquakes? Natural disasters? I am not certain. Can this be delayed or stopped? I do not know, I have been instructed to pray for Mercy in the midst of judgment.

The purpose of this warning is for you to prepare your family for life to change forever. Most of all, to prepare them for eternity. I encourage you to use discernment over this month, to be watchful and wise. To make your preparations sure, and to do a 360-degree view of your life. Don’t go back to sleep like many others have. We are in the midst of judgement, the Father’s hands have been lifted from this nation, and anything can happen at any time. That is how serious this hour is.  Please be prayerful, sober, and mindful not to get caught up in the “holiday spell” of demonic distractions. The hour is late! I love you!

Benjamin Faircloth

Ignited Church

Ignited Church