Hell Bent!

“Hell Bent!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you are right on course! Your journey into Babylon is complete. Soon the manifesting of seducing spirits and doctrines of devils will permeate throughout your churches. The “state religion” of the Beast System will be in full display! Compromise will be the new mantra.
Resistance will be viewed as rebellion and a false “utopia dream” will be born! Think it not strange the sudden change – of events that will suddenly take place, for this is the hour of My fulfillment – My accomplishment of what has been spoken of!
The time has come to shelter in Truth- live in Truth and let Truth be your guide and shield! For many, says the Lord will depart from it, giving heed to the seducing spirits and doctrines of devils. Their end has been written and it will surely come to pass!”

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