Enduring to the End!

“Enduring to the End!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“To My Beloved war-torn church, battered and bruised but standing up, know this day you will endure the battles that are before you! I’ve come to give you rest and strength, that the world could never offer you. My Strength is Supernatural and My Power is Resurrection Life! Fear not all of these seemingly uncontrollable events. They are not out of control, but systematic chaos, prophesied of old, written for you to know these things. They are real and they have weight, but I have taken the weight of the world upon My Shoulders! Therefore, lean on Me -learn of Me and endure to the end! You will make it to your destiny, because I AM your Destiny! I AM your finish line! I AM the end of your course! Be of good cheer and strong courage- I have overcome the world!”
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