Collateral Damage

“Collateral Damage!”

A prophetic message by

Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


(Collateral Damage: Death, injury, or damage to property, inflicted on something other than an intended target. Specifically, civilian casualties of a military operation.)

The season of judgment has reached this nation. The winds of controversy are blowing in every direction. The moral compass of this nation is broken, and she has lost her way. Abandonment and separation will be her emotion as she witnesses the coming woes. Her fallacy of false peace and false hope will be revealed and realized in the coming calamities! I have not changed My decision about your nation. She is wanting in the balances of My justice.

There is coming a woe, so great and so profound it will change this nation forever! I will be justified, I will be glorified, because I Am a Righteous in all My ways! I have waited for signs of repentance, I have waited for My Church to turn towards Me; but instead they have chosen a man, a system, a way of life that does not embrace Me and My principles. You cannot serve God and mammon! You must choose this day who you will serve! Behold I will come swiftly to My House, I will purge the floor of the unclean and leaven. I will glorify My Church in this hour of reckoning!

Do not wander from Me, says your God. Gather closely as the storm arrives, for I will never leave you nor forsake you!

(Ephesians 6 is the foundational scripture for this message)

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Ignited Church