American Idols!

“American Idols!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you been bewitched into thinking you can serve 2 masters! You pursue your idols with great passion, as you passively mention My Name in song and pledge! Your foolishness is leading to your demise.
My Shepherds are both blind and deaf dogs, they see not and they hear not, therefore their flocks go astray! Dangerous days are upon the nations! Great perplexity awaits you- great storms of uncertainty are upon you, yet you look to foolish gods who speak not, hear not -nor have life within them!
My Church is polluted with the idols of Egypt and Babylon! It’s time to remove them. I will not share My Temple nor My Glory with these pagan gods and idols of the land!! Come out from among them- come clean, and I will refresh you, and restore you with a visitation of My Presence!”
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