“America, The House of Cards!”
A prophetic message by
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“The season of judgement arriving, has narrowed! The hour glass is near empty, time is no longer a luxury but more valuable than the lusts that bind the hearts of man! I am coming says the Lord, My gift is with Me, not a gift of reprieve but of judgement. For you America, your cup is full, your hour of reckoning has arrived! You have chosen your poison; you will embrace your pain. The bed of judgment has been made, now you will lie in it and wallow in it. You have chosen your sin over My Grace. You have abandoned My pardon and turned your back on Me! Your season of uncertainty and darkness has arrived! You have forsaken Me for the last time!
To you oh house of Bethel (meaning the false ecumenical structured church, who claims they have the corner market on God) , you’ve asked for a King but you will receive a Queen, you’ve asked for leniency but you will receive hardship! The hour of purification has come, My Bride will be clean! She will possess the land but only in purity. I will remove the blemishes of pride. I have chosen this hour; this is My day says the Lord! My plain will prevail and so shall My Bride!
Be not dismayed at this hour that shall befall this nation. I AM in control, I AM sovereign. I will pierce the darkness with My Glory, but you must trust Me in this hour! You must embrace My Truth, for it will be your only source of strength and power!