A September of Sorrows!

“A September of Sorrows!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth



On August 29th around 6:00 am during my morning prayer time, I was inquiring of the Lord what He wanted me to say during my interview with Lyn Leahz; which was scheduled for later that day. He showed me that He wanted me to continue His warnings from the past few weeks, especially Ezekiel 7.  His purpose for this is to show America the reoccurring evil that is coming which is the domino effect of judgment. I was pondering His direction, when I heard these words, “A September of Sorrows!” I asked the Father was this for America only and He replied that it would be globally as well. I had to leave my time of prayer, and could not further pursue this word but it didn’t leave my mind. I released that portion of the word on my interview with Lyn Leahz. I inquired some more of the Father later in the day and He gave me Jeremiah 10. This is a powerful chapter, please read it thoroughly.

It is now 2:00 am on August 30, 2017 and the Father has given me the completion of this word. This is a warning. This is a signal to get your affairs in order. This is an alarm ringing for those who did not go back to sleep. All I can say is that the Father has been speaking very clearly to this ministry that there will be no going back to what used to be. The fictional world of Mayberry on TV is gone! The hour is late and the stakes are the highest they can be. The rewards are for the souls of humanity, for these souls to embrace the lifesaving message of the CROSS!

“Son of man, speak to the 4 corners of your nation and declare to My Backslidden Sheep; I have an issue with their sin!

 I hear the sound of violence, I hear the sound of tumult and turmoil! I hear the sound of destruction! I hear the sound of distress!

The inhabitants of the earth have no fear of My Name, the people of My Planet still mock My Son, and scorn His Cross! I have waited for the sound of praise to spring forth from the earth. I have endured the seasons of sin, till now!

I will arise, and I will release the floods of your enemies. They will come out of the secret, and dark places. Like scorpions from their hidden places they will strike! Vengeance is mine and I will repay those who mock My Name, My Salvation, and My tolerance of Grace!

I am not as you oh man of the dust! I AM above and you are beneath. You travail for nothing. Without Me you labor for false gain, but I will prevail over the works of your hands! I will arise and reveal to the nations that I AM!

Great sorrow is prescribed for this month of September. It will be a month, and a time to remember that I AM! For calamity will strike the heart of man, and great fear will be released in the land; yet I will remain as I AM, My Arms will be open to those who will turn towards Me!

My Arm is not too short, and My Eyes are not blind that I cannot see those who truly embrace Me!

What will you do in your day of calamity? Where will you go in the time of distress?”

(My notes: I hope the recent events in America have shaken you to your core. From the continuous loss of our military through unexplained accidents (here and globally) to civil unrest in our cities, racism accelerating, the opium epidemic in America, the North Korea threat of war (including China, Iran, and Russia) Hurricane Harvey, one of the worst natural disaster in recent history, and the vilest rainstorm we’ve ever encountered, of which the carnage is still unfolding as I type this word. The list can and does go on and on. My point is, you are either in denial or you just simply reject the judgement side of a Holy and Righteous God. I feel for you, because you are going to miss what the Father has planned for the nations. You may very well be caught up in the whiplash of what is coming. Sadly, you will miss the greatest harvest this earth has ever seen! The former and the latter rain is coming, (Hosea 6:3, Joel 2:23, Haggai 2:9) and it will be harvest time in the midst of judgment! What will you do when it all goes down? Will you hide in your “stuff” or will you run to the frontlines and reap the final harvest? I know what I’m going to do! Hope to see you on the frontlines!)

For the Harvest,

Benjamin Faircloth

Senior Pastor

Ignited Church, Lavonia, GA


(You can view this important warning at our YouTube channel)

Ignited Church