The Empire Strikes Back!

“The Empire Strikes Back!”

A prophetic message by

Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“I have set a trumpet to the mouth of My Prophets. They have declared My warnings. They have prophesied My claims and causes. I have anointed My Watchmen to watch and listen, to repeat what they have heard. With force, they have spoken, but few have taken heed. Few have prepared for the terror that comes! They know not the hour of the watch in which their enemies spring up and move forward!

My Shepherds are blind lazy dogs who beg for play! You have loosened your belts of Truth, you are exposed, your nakedness is revealed yet you have no shame!

I am burdened says your God by the cesspool of sin that abounds, but My sorrows have been kindled to anger! I will respond even though you think I jest. I will no longer wink at this perverse nation, but I will respond!

I will discover My Vessels of honor that have been carried away into Babylon. I will pour out My New Wine and I will cause My Church to drink from these vessels!

Behold the day is coming that I will restore My Church in the captivity of Babylon! There she will know that I AM her King, her Lord, and her God!”

(The scripture that followed this prophetic word is Jeremiah 17, Isaiah 22, Hosea 4)

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