The House of Fire!

“The House of Fire!”


A prophetic message by

Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, you did not elect a Reagan but a pagan! One who hides behind the shield of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! Disguised as a King, his heart shall rule as a queen! Jezebel has no identity of gender but desires to devour and deceive.

(It is a controlling spirit)

The Church has been played as a whore again, fooled into thinking they will have a place at the political table. Social Justice is not revival, but a plan of appeasement to follow the hidden agenda!

The war has begun, the enemies of America are awakened and soon this nation will be on fire. Division, strife, and the love of money will prove to be the fall of this nation. Pride will be the poison that kills the American dream!

You cannot serve both Me and mammon (money)! America has chosen money, pride, and industry over Me and My word! America, your greatness will never be discovered in a dollar bill, but revealed when you repent and return to your first love!”

(Scripture references: Main text for sermon Isaiah 43)

You can listen to this powerful message by going to our website

or watch it at our YouTube channel

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Ignited Church