The Church of Absalom!
A prophetic message by
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“The spirit of Absalom rages within the Church and My House is divided! Divided by race, creed and support of what is new in the land. Yet My Word and My Ways are of old. I Am still the Ancient of Days and My Word is still is the foundation and cornerstone of all creation; yet My Church seeks the hand of man to keep her in a new way, an unapproved way, void of My counsel and surety!
My people are in amazement and distracted by the trinkets of the political world, a world that is in opposition to My Word, yet My Church embraces these gifts as evidence of change!
No man or political system will be the change agent of this nation; it is My Church and My Bride who has readied herself! That time of preparation will be found in My coming judgement.
Don’t be fooled by Absalom who takes counsel from the new, for there is nothing new under the sun! I have seen it all from the beginning, what is, has always been known and now I warn you, stay clean and don’t be fooled. Resist the spirit of Absalom, resist false change that will serve as your failure to perceive the hour that is upon the land!”
(The scripture reference for message is 2 Samuel 13-19)
To hear this message, please go to and click on the Pastor’s sermon icon and the message “The Church of Absalom” is right there. If you prefer the video of this message, you can find it here
Be blessed!