The Lady in Black!

“The Lady in Black!”

A Prophetic Warning


Pastor Benjamin Faircloth


“America your funeral has been prepared; the procession has begun! The Lady in Black awaits you! You have no fear because you have no faith in Me! Chance has become your god. You roll the dice in all of your affairs, thinking fate is on your side. You are fooled by the masters of your soul, your blinded by those who trick you into believing a lie1 A lie that is old as the earth itself; a lie that says you are a god and you can govern by the faith within, the trust of gut and conscience. I tell you this day, you can’t see nor know the truth without Me! Your compass is broken, your anchor is removed, as you drift towards the shores of uncertainty and doom! Harsh words you will say, but I tell you this day, My Word is full of My Judgements that fall on a wicked nation and people. My Word declares the beginning and ending, but few choose to know it! Therefore, with blindness you enter your procession towards the Lady in Black!”

Scripture reference for this message is (Hosea 10) To watch or listen to this message got to or You Tube My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at… My book “Papa’s Garden” has been released! Check it out at Please prayerfully consider supporting our World-Wide Ministry! You can give at or by check or money order: Ignited Church PO Box 303 Lavonia, Ga 30553 THANK YOU! JESUS IS LORD OVER IGNITED CHURCH LAVONIA, GA!!!

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