“Strange Fire!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth
“America you are bewitched into thinking you can mix My Word with your ways; Your trends with My Truth. Strange fire is coming from your altars! False teaching- false prophecies, and doctrines of devils permeate your churches!
Think it not strange that My Judgement falls on a people who pollute My House. Who pollute My Children, who steal My Inheritance!
America, I gave you a standing above all nations, but you sold your birthright for the pursuit of prosperity. You left Me behind on your journey. Now you will know what it feels like to walk alone!”
To watch or listen to this message got to www.ignitedchurchlife.com or You Tube
My book “Destiny Is Your Decision” has been released! Check it out at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_no…
My book “Papa’s Garden” has been released! Check it out at
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