Church of the Lullabies!

“Church of the Lullabies!”
A Prophetic Warning
Pastor Benjamin Faircloth

“America, your time of slumber is coming to an end! The great wakeup call of reality is upon you. A shaking is taking place to remind you of just how frail you really are. Changes in society, politics, military, weather and your economy, are precursors of what is to come! I’ve waited for My Church to stir herself and get out of bed with the world, but she turned over and showed Me the backside and continued her whoredoms- apathy, and rebellion! Her lovers sang sweet lullabies that soothed her conscience not knowing her bed was made in hell! She refused to be aroused and awakened by My warnings. She refused to repent of her whoredoms and idolatry- now I will awaken her -I will shake her and her lovers with a violent tempest!
Money answereth (Ecclesiastes 10:19) all things, and soon she will learn to be without both money and answers- then My Church will awaken and arise! Then she will shine as the stars of Heaven! Yet even still, many will fall back into perdition!
I will have My Glorious Church, says your God. The Bride will be ready for the Groom at the Appointed Day- but woe unto them who have not prepared themselves nor heeded my invitation! Keep your lamp oiled- your wick trimmed, for the darkness of the midnight hour is upon you!”
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