2020 The Year of Critical Mass
This will be a year of consequences, a coming together of events prophesized from the days of old, realized in your now! Many will be amazed as to how fast events will connect, and change lives forever! Many will not be ready for the speed of change that is coming, for it will be as though a chain reaction has taken place and few will be able to keep up with this pace.
But My People, My Prophetic Kingdom Minded People, like the sons of Issachar, (1 Chronicles 12:32) will see ahead, plan ahead, and navigate fast paced changes!
My People will be strong and do great things this year, for I will be with them, upon them, and in them! Together, My Final Harvest will be reaped, and what is Mine shall be gathered into My barn.
But woe unto the slothful laborer who sees My Fields white for harvest, and refuses to obey My call to work! That lazy servant shall be cast out and lose his reward! (Matthew 25:14-30)
Pride has been the poison that has led to your fall!
Pride has blinded you to the reality of “what might have been”, but you said within your heart, “none is like unto me, who can challenge my strength”! Oh, foolish nation of backsliders, the kings of the east will sit at your table and partake of your harvest! The nations you abandoned and overruled their sovereignty, shall divide your spoils!
America the great has become Babylon the great, (Revelation 17:5) and in one day, in a moment, her glory will fall! Her beauty turned to ashes and your harvest given to those you have despised!
The Church
Can you see the harvest? Those abandoned by a government they have worshipped! Behold I will rescue and restore those to whom I’ve marked. Those whose hearts are open for My Truth!
This will be a year of unlimited evangelism, unlimited glory, and unlimited resources to fulfill the Great Commission!
Ignited Church
Prepare to grow! Prepare to expand! For NOW, is the time say your God, that I will favor you! My provision will exceed your needs and surpass your dreams, for I have need of you! Set a trumpet to your mouth and stand upon your watch, for I am coming to visit you this year! My presence will be tangible and My voice will be clear to be heard by those who have ears to hear. Open your hearts wide for I am coming to abide among you and I will bless you like I blessed those to whom watched over My Ark of the Covenant, (2 Samuel 6:11) and all will see that I abide at that place!